"Its been 15 months since I practiced yoga."
"Its been 15 months since I went to a yoga studio." These two phrases are what I am hearing most often lately from people when they walk in the studio door. My response is a big smile and "welcome back!" I want you to know that you are welcome back, when you are ready, and you are not alone. Whether it is 15 months, 2 years, 10 years, or any amount of time, you always have a mat spot in my class. If you have questions about coming back to studios, please email me, I am always happy to listen and/or help. There are no silly questions, we are all navigating in new territory. If you are happy with the flexibility of home or virtual practice, then that is amazing too, and I am continuing to offer the videos and meditations to support all the wonderful ways to practice. Please also remember that yoga is more than the physical practice, the asanas, or poses. Chances are, you HAVE practiced in some way, shape, or form over this crazy past year. Whether it was taking a deep breath to center yourself (practicing pranayama), helping a neighbor practicing aparigraha), or expressing gratitude (practicing santosa), I know there are ways you are embodying yoga off the mat, and that is a sign of a mature and advanced practice.
Be kind to yourself.